How do I create an account on RapidShyp?
If you are new to RapidShyp, follow these steps to get started on our platform:
2. Navigate to "Create an account" and enter your name, email address, and password. Alternatively, sign in using your Google account.

3. Provide your mobile number and verify it by entering the OTP you receive.

4. Complete the KYC process via mobile device or laptop.

5. Allow your picture to be captured.

6. Enter your Aadhaar card details and verify with the OTP sent to the linked mobile number. Alternatively, provide your Digilocker security pin for document access.

7. Input your bank account details for seamless COD remittance.

8. You have a RapidShyp account ready to use.

Reach out to our support team at [email protected] in case of any queries.